المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : المسيحية والبوذية في ميزان الحقيقة (مترجم)

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داعيه مسلمه جديده
2010-09-20, 12:24 PM
Do we need to know all this?

This question should ask himself any serious researcher for the truth, do we need to know all these similarities between the two faiths of Christianity and pagan, we are talking on one of the sects in this research is Buddhism?In fact, we do not need is all these similarities You may reach us to the degree of congruence,Once exposed us to the basic structure and on which to build the Christian faith,Even We know that this belief Were not the result of this religion at all, but the result of a pagan heritage and already Christ peace be upon him and Attributed to him of Centuries Can not be confirmed these beliefs as it was before Because this is contrary to the Christian faith, which believes that human nature BC,Were not to accept the Christian religion and beliefs of the inadequacy of the human mind which was in the boot stage of the New Testament.We will review the currently Most important of these doctrines And submitted to us by researchers from the facts based on a book pagan beliefs in the Christian Religion

داعيه مسلمه جديده
2010-09-20, 12:26 PM
Doctrine of the Trinity


A picture of the Buddhist trinity

The Insider on books and research on the ancient Eastern religions finds they are built on the basis of the divine trinity,This is what he said (Prichard) where he said "was not without all the research derived from religious sources said one of the Middle Eastern types of triangulation or nascent triangular (ie, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit)" (1)

And also said (Maurice)"It was more when the United obsolete pagan religious teachings Stating Trinitarian theology to say; means that God is three Persons "(2)

Morris adds in the same source, "We found ruins of an ancient structure,Over the centuries, an idol with three heads on one body, and is intended to express the Trinity" (3)

While he said Faber (Faber) "As we find the Indians - means, Brahmins - a trinity composed of: honoring Vishnu and Siva, we find that when Buddhists; they say: The Buddha a god, and say Boghanimh three, as well as find Buddhists (Zhinst) say about (Jeeva)It Alovanim triangle. "(4)

and As Scientist Duane said, "Buddhists who are more populations of China and Japan worship a god Triangle Trinity call (VU), when, and born was mentioned by the Holy Trinity, they say: (It ho pure fu) and portrayed in the structures are idols found in India and also say: (fu): One But with three forms!!

There are temples in one of the competent Bbutala statue in Manchuria (VU) Triangle Trinity "(5)

Like Davis, he said the mark (6)

The Faber said, "and the Chinese worship the Buddha and called Foo, and say: He is three Persons, A thousand and F, and M says Indians completely" (7)

داعيه مسلمه جديده
2010-09-20, 12:31 PM


During this my research I stood in the search for one of the followers of the facts In the title of the sixteen dedicated How many were similar to the beliefs of those who believe their Christian beliefs in Christ, peace be upon him,He was acquitted of them Did was Buddha Savior of men And redeemer to them?This answer will be answered by the Buddha himself...
"I suffered persecution , imprisonment and death and murder Of patience, Great love to bring happiness to people, and you forgave the offenders. "
The Buddha followers called Buddha , the great physician,, And the Savior of the world, And Christ only begotten, And other names - as we'll explain later - and that he introduced himself as a sacrifice To expiate the sins of human beings,, And makes them the heirs of the kingdom of heaven,His birth and leave all his glory in the world To save people from misery and suffering as a vow "(1) (Hawke) said: "The Buddha - in the eyes of Buddhists - man and God together,And that it he embodies the Divinity in this world to guide people and sacrifice his soul to them,He shows them Road safety This incarnation of the theological Buddhists believe all
Max Muller said: "Buddhists claim that the Buddha said:Leave all the sins Perpetrated in this world Lies on me,In order to save the world
The mark Williams has said: "The Indians say: It is mercy,( the Buddha) left to paradise,He came to this world for the sins of human beings,; To free them from their sins, and removes them the punishment which they deserve "(4)
If this is the Buddhist belief in the Lord and They preceded the Christians In this centuries.well OK Can we say that this belief, which is the second largest beliefs Based upon the Christian faith is taken from the pagan religion?"With the reservation of the term religion?!"

داعيه مسلمه جديده
2010-09-20, 12:34 PM
Divine Incarnation


(1)Duane said: "The god Buddha was born from virgin Maya who the India Buddha worship him and anther , they say he let Paradise and Come down to the earth and appear for Divinity Mercy to the people to saved him from Sin and to guide them to the Straight Path and caring him Burdens and Ransom him from Torment they Deserve from punishment
According to a Chinese book called "Votenk" What to read: "Lord Buddha when he decided to come down from heaven to earth for be born in the land,He called the angels of heaven and the earth's population, saying: (O ye dead Decorate your land because "Bovecovernmto" great will come down soon From "the directive" and you are born
They also say: As the Womb Which Enters Lord Buddha Becomes Embodied It is like a bowl and put the ammunition
And not one of the human being can be Pregnancy as the Buddha, he is Enters without secretion .. when (Bhamaya) was Pregnant she not want Desires of men and lived a virgin.

(2), Hawke said of missionary the French when you're talking to the Buddha:"The Buddhists have argued that God incarnated
he is a god emerged from the Divinity and Came to this world to teach people and guide them and show them the path of peace !!.."

Gentiles say about for each one of the gods who for the salvation of people
It He gods- and the God of the world - capable and knowledge and wisdom - and sacrifice for everyone. (3)

(4) said Mr Bnsn "And call the one God Holy Spirit, one God claim arising out of happiness, the owner of all, Lord, eternal, Great Creator, the Eternal. God must be on of the people worship him."
Was also mentioned Worshiper Conversing(Amora) to God incarnate "Buddha":for You venerated and who appeared in the Buddha incarnate,o Lord Earth
Yours is the glory,O the one embodied the Eternal Respect to you, O Lord the apparent , and mercy, O vindicator the pain and grief, O God of all, O Creatures Preservative, O who knows and symbol of mercy "

(4) said Bnsn "Buddhists say that the birth of Buddha was that:When the Buddha embodies Kotama the Divine force Bring down Called the Holy Spirit upon the Virgin Maya,It was descending in the form of white elephant and Alticacin Buddhists say that the meaning of "white elephant": "wisdom and strength."

(5)Dawn said “ the High Buddha of India says when the Buddha land and incarnation it was by mercy way , the Elephant land by his face he is symbol for Strength and wisdom of God “ the altkas says he is land from sky to place of maya when she look like Elephant , But Buddha of China says in our books The Holy Spirit he is “chink shy” he land on the virgin Maya
In china book came for alleger “Fuenhnk” to provide “if mother see white Elephant in she’s dream enter in right side if her put it boy he will be President of the world and he will be Buddha , And Usefulness from it all body and he can stop pain for all Human

(6)Frkson scholar said “ all Buddha imagine Maya she slept and she looked in she’s dream a whit Elephant enter in right side and recite for her recites As full of mercy , and she queen of sky and removed the sadness and shes son Buddha he was Roused the dead, and the Gentiles, and publisher of peace and maya will born a wais & Saint boy useful from him all the body and he will rule the world

(7)Spence Hardi said “ the body of queen maya look like Transparent glass you can see the child easily look like priest flat On the throne given the blessing or look like statue from gold nuggets in A bowl of crystal growth see day by day

داعيه مسلمه جديده
2010-09-20, 12:36 PM
Experience of the devil with the Alleged Lord


Mounkeor Conway said: "The great Creature of Buddha stripped itself of indifference to To the extent that he stop himself from eating (mean: fast), and breathing also...and came Prince Mara (mean: Prince of devil)to Buddha and wanted to experience many times Claims to kindness and compassion for him.
Buddha said: (Watch out,O The great Creature for each of your sad see you

Great Buddha he answer “Be careful maya ( mining : Prince of Demons ) I know in 7 days I will Win the whole the universe but I don’t want to be king like that Because clinging to Religion better then reign of the world , you thinking to wicked appetite < leave people with out guide unless to be Safe from Foxiness , go away !

And rode the Lord and insistent in his way And rained the sky flowers , and intervention the space very wonderful smell

داعيه مسلمه جديده
2010-09-20, 12:38 PM
Which progress in this research We found that the Christian religion is the revival of pagan religions in a new dress Is consistent with that era,Has we stood With evidence Does not leave room for doubt That there are great similarities Great similarity could be up to Matching between the Christian faith and belief pagan Which we talked about from door Buddhist Where the pagan belief that her many doors all are in the same Pour pot and

We have explained that this pagan belief Was preceded Jesus by centuries and Any sane was continued this theme Can be judged that the Christian faith may be watered and saturated Buddhist thought and And this doctrine were not from God but that saying with their mouths It's him

God said:""O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion or say about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allah and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul [created at a command] from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, "Three"; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, Allah is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs.""Surat An-Nisā'171

God said, "O People of the Scripture, do not exceed limits in your religion beyond the truth and do not follow the inclinations of a people who had gone astray before and misled many and have strayed from the soundness of the way."Surat Al-Maida 77


ساجدة لله
2010-09-20, 01:39 PM
بارك الله فيكِ غاليتي وسيتم إعداد فريق لمراجعة الترجمة بإذن الله
جعله الله في ميزان حسناتك

ذو الفقار
2010-09-20, 02:23 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الأخت الكريمة داعية مسلمة جديدة، لقد كان هذا الموضوع مفاجأة سارة لجميع من في المنتدى، وقد أثلجت مداخلاتك السرور إلى قلوبنا حيث منّ الله علينا بأخت مثلك لها من العلم ما تفيدنا به ، ولها من العزيمة ما نقتدي به ، لا تبتغي إلا وجه الله

ويعذرني صاحب البحث في ترجمة بحثة ولكن بما ان بحثك كان طمعا في الاجر فلا ارى انك تمانع ان ترجمت المقال

إن هذا البحث هو ملك لأي مسلم له حق التصرف فيه دون الرجوع إليّ ودون ذكر اسم الكاتب فلم نكتبنشتهر ولكن نكتب طمعاً في هداية الضالين وطمعاً في كرم الله أن يغفر به ذنوبنا ويأجرنا عليه

جزاكِ الله خيراً يا أخية

داعيه مسلمه جديده
2010-09-21, 10:09 AM
شكرا لكم على هذة الردود الطيبه والله اني ما اردت الا الاجر والحمدلله فقد كرست شهر رمضان ونسقت بين الترجمه وبين العباده وعلى اني لم استطع ان اكمل الترجمه الا من يومين ولكني كم شعرت بسعاده انني انتهيت من الترجمه وسبحان الله لقد امن الله علي سرعه البديهه في الترجمه استغربت منها وفي الحقيقه انا لست كذلك ههههههه
الاخت ساجدة لله اشكرك على كلامك ولكني لا احتاج الى التقيم لاني طموحي وطمعي اكثر من ذلك وطموحي وطمعي نفسه هو طموحك وطمعك وطمع كل مسلم يبحث عن الاجر والثواب وهذا ما احتاجه

الاخ ذو الفقار
في البداية انا من علي ان اشكرك على هذا البحث الرائع فأنه مشاركتي وتسجيلي في المنتدى ماهو الا بسبب موضوعك هذا فقد حمسني كثيرا لاني والحمدلله ولا فخر محادثاتي مع المسيحين(الغير العرب) دائما عبر الايميل ودائما اتكلم معهم بما يتعلق عن الاسلام وللاسف لم اجد من الا الحجج الواهيه,فلقد لاحظت انهم حينما يتكلمون عن الاسلام لم ارى انهم يتكلمون عن الاسلام نفسه او العقيده نفسها بل اراهم يتكلمون في امور جانبيه مثل حكم الرجم للزناه فهم لم يتحدثون عن الحكم نفسه بل يأتون بي بصور من الصومال او ايران او عن مذاهب مختلفه الاسلام منه برئ
فقلت في نفسي لماذا دائما هم موقف الهجوم وانا الدفاع لماذا لا اغير الخطه وبينما انا افكر وجدت موضوع المثير وها انا راسلتهم وانتظر منهم الرد وانا على يقين انهم سوف يأتون بي بحجج واهيه ولكنني ان شاء الله متابعه معهم وعسى الله ان يعينني ويصبرني عليهم
في الحقيقه
بيني وبين نفسي حينما فكرت في هذا البحث الرائع تسائلت وانا اترجم : اني الموضوع امامي وماعلي الا الترجمه وكل شئ سهل وبسيط ولكن ماذا عن الباحث يا ترى كم المده الذي استغرقها في كتابه البحث وكم المده التي سهر بها يمسك هذا الكتاب وذاك اما انا البحث مثل الطبق من الذهب ماعلي الا الترجمه وفلقد حستدتك كثيرا على تعبك وهذا ماهون علي اثناء الترجمه واحسدك اكثر انك سوف تشاركني الاجر اي لك الاجر ضعفين
فلا تخف هذا حسد حلال وعسى الله ان يكتب لي ولك ولناقله وقارئه الاجر والثواب بأذن الله
تقبلوا مروري

داعيه مسلمه جديده
2011-04-03, 01:45 AM
لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله