This continuity is reflected in the 6 core articles of faith in Islam:

. Belief in Allah (Almighty God)
. Belief in the Angels
. Belief in the Scriptures
. Belief in the Prophets
. Belief in the Life Hereafter
. Belief in Divine Predestination
It is also reflected in the 5 pillars of Islam, which form the basic structure of an Islamic life:

Testimony of faith – to declare: “There is none worthy of worship except Allah:Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”
Pilgrimage to Mecca – at the heart of which lies the first building established for the worship of Allah (Almighty God), built by Abraham and his son Ishmael

A Muslim is ‘one who submits to the Will of Allah (Almighty God)’. Anyone, in any period of history, who has submitted to the Will of Allah (Almighty God) is thus considered a Muslim. Hence, all of the prophets, including Abraham, Moses, Jesus,and Muhammad, were Muslims.

Muslim and Islam