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  1. #1

    عضو نشيط

    داعيه مسلمه جديده غير متواجد حالياً
    رقم العضوية : 2499
    تاريخ التسجيل : 29 - 7 - 2010
    الدين : الإسلام
    الجنـس : أنثى
    العمر: 42
    المشاركات : 40
    شكراً و أعجبني للمشاركة
    التقييم : 32
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 0

    Lightbulb المسيحية والبوذية في ميزان الحقيقة (مترجم)

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة
    بعد عناء طويل قد بحثت وطلبت عن ترجمة لموضوع المسيحية والبوذية في ميزان الحقيقة
    للاسف لم اجد ترجمه لها لان هذا الموضوع قد يفيد اكثر اذا كان باللغة الانجليزية ولم استطع الانتظار فلقد وجدت من هذا الموضوع ما يخدم الامة الاسلامية ولقد اعجبني كثيرا بما فيه من طرح هادف وادلة لا تترك مجالا للشك تثبت ضعف عقيدتهم ويعذرني صاحب البحث في ترجمة بحثة ولكن بما ان بحثك كان طمعا في الاجر فلا ارى انك تمانع ان ترجمت المقال فأجرك لن يذهب اذا ترجمت المقال ودخل رجل للاسلام وبما اني دائما اراسل المسيحين بالدعوة الى الله عز وجل فقد ترجمت هذا البحث للغة الاجنبية عسى الله ان يكو شفيعا لي يوم القيامة ولكاتبة وناقلة
    فاني احلل من ينقل هذة الترجمة لأي اجنبي مسيحي ولاي منتدى
    ماعليك الا النسخ واللزق
    انقل هذا الموضوع لأي منتدى اجنبي او اي ايميل اجنبي او قروب او اكتب كلمة (mohammed) في قوقل فسوف تجد الكثير من المواقع والمدونات الاجنبية التي تسئ للاسلام والرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم انسخ هذا الموضوع في مدونتهم اكسب اجر بضغطه زر عسى الله ان يدخل رجل واحد في الاسلام بسببنا واتمنى ان تكون الترجمة صحيحه بدون اخطاء املائية او ماشابة ذلك وان اخطأت فمن نفسي

    الموضوع الاصلي


    الباحث: ذو الفقار
    ترجمة:فاعلة خير
    الرجاء لاتنسوا الدعاء فأني اطمع بالاجر

    Christianity and Buddhism in the balance of truth

    المسيحية والبوذية ميزان الحقيقة (مترجم)

    In the name of God the Merciful And peace and blessings be upon the Prophet Messenger guidance sent as a mercy to the worlds,Mohammed bin Abdullah last of the Prophets and Messengers,And followers, and follow his Sunnah until the Day of the afterlife and Praise be to God for the blessing of the mind
    He said in his book(Qur'an):(The Jews call 'Uzair the son of Allah, and the Christians call Christ the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouth; (in this) they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah's curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth! (Qur'an9:30)

    It was explained to us for the deviation and wire People of the Book And bought the revelations of Allah a little
    Even liked their own liking,And missed their books,And missed their religion,the god did not wrong them,But they wronged themselves

    The browser on the Web Which looks
    For interfaith dialogue,Will find a Group Subjects speak for Similar to the Christian pagan religions and maybe These themes were similar to each other and they took it upon themselves to To clarify some points and Attribution to the sources are difficult to access and And so will find a range of topics defender Christian
    Trying to deny the Attributed to them by the similaritry
    The most prominent of these comparisonsIs the similarity of Christianity with Buddhism and quotation Christian of Buddhist and المسيحية والبوذية ميزان الحقيقة (مترجم)Between this and that the reader finds himself in need to know the truth And now here we are talking about these two religions in historical perspective scientific

    The title of this research is to

    Christianity and Buddhism in the balance of truth


    -* Buddha.

    -* Buddhism.

    -* Development of Buddhism in the Mahayana.

    * The History of the emergence of the Mahayana.

    -* The Historyof writing of the Gospels in the Bible

    -Start deity of Christ and the beginning of the deity of the Holy Spirit

    -Similarities between Christianity and Buddhism

    -The end to say

    to be continue

    hglsdpdm ,hgf,`dm td ld.hk hgprdrm (ljv[l)

  2. #2


    الصورة الرمزية كوبرلّي
    كوبرلّي غير متواجد حالياً
    رقم العضوية : 2548
    تاريخ التسجيل : 7 - 8 - 2010
    الدين : الإسلام
    الجنـس : ذكر
    العمر: 31
    المشاركات : 1,207
    شكراً و أعجبني للمشاركة
    التقييم : 7
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 0


    تابعي وفقك الله

  3. #3

    عضو نشيط

    داعيه مسلمه جديده غير متواجد حالياً
    رقم العضوية : 2499
    تاريخ التسجيل : 29 - 7 - 2010
    الدين : الإسلام
    الجنـس : أنثى
    العمر: 42
    المشاركات : 40
    شكراً و أعجبني للمشاركة
    التقييم : 32
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 0



    Through the ages ,God sent the Prophets and Did not tell the slaves

    But, the word unification and work ,Singled out all the Folk in the Their legislation

    If the Prophet died the message begins to deviate On the way and move away from the will of God for His slaves,Accompanied by legends and is affected by the surrounding of cultures and beliefs the other religious and And integrate those beliefs in each other,Where start to change step by step,then we find we have a completely differentReligion it as a century ago Than it was a century ago or earlier centuries Because Absence Religious Reference Constant

    in the every faith

    What happened in the previous faiths and cultures fully applies to the religion of Christianity,The God sent Jesus to his people to let them worship God and the application of the laws of God

    When God raised And the saved him of their,Even take the human intellect in the weaving in myths And ideas of ancient pagan And entry on the Christian religion Especially after the era in which its in the persecution of supporters Christ

    After lost the true gospel and then Appeared Bibles in alot of mixed Some of the facts of the Biblical events of war mixed Some of the ideas of the author and Unfortunately, even the Gospels have no place to this day and Did not show us the certified copies to the church until the mid-third century AD ,After that the ideas crystallized in the pagan Christian doctrine.

    the Christian have quoted more The smallest details of the ancient pagan beliefs,Which preceded Buddhism by centuries of time

    Even became the similarities between Christianity and Buddhism Exact Match!!

    Even the date of birth of Christ and the we challenge that is to say to us by one of the Christians has been copied from those beliefs pagan Any sane person could believe that the twenty-fifth day of December could agree on the birth of each of these gods

    Horus (3000 BC)

    Osiris (3000 BC)

    Krishna (1400 BC)

    Zoroaster / Zarathustra (1000 BC)

    Mithra of Persia (600 BC)

    Heracles (800 BC)

    Dionysos (186 BC)

    July (400 BC)

    Adonis (200 BC)

    The fact that Impose the same,That all the followers of The names of these gods had been taken that day, a day of birth is not in vain,But they believe that on the birth of the sun Is the day of the birth of Christ on that day a coincidence؟ ! Of course not it was not on the birth of Christ known until approved by Constantine in the third century AD,It is no secret to you The emperor Constantine was a pagan at that time.

    The day they are born to the day of his death Christian doctrine wrote a book copied from ancient pagan beliefs,The most important of their beliefs We find that the Triangulation Elohist is a quote from the The old faiths Patriarch of Alexandria named St. Athanasi us the Apostolic say

    (let us show of Accustoming (word)The appearance of God to us That which to deride from him Jews & mock from him Greeks But we to glorify & revere so that why Jews deride & Greeks if they didn’t see it identical belief idolater before

    Why mocked the Jews and the Greeks If they see it Is not identical to the pagan beliefs of the past

  4. #4

    عضو نشيط

    داعيه مسلمه جديده غير متواجد حالياً
    رقم العضوية : 2499
    تاريخ التسجيل : 29 - 7 - 2010
    الدين : الإسلام
    الجنـس : أنثى
    العمر: 42
    المشاركات : 40
    شكراً و أعجبني للمشاركة
    التقييم : 32
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 0


    -* Buddha.

    Who is the Buddha

    Is a person whose real name was Siddhartha and his father's name Sudhodana and The family name Gautama And the name of his mother Queen Maya,His father was a king of the Kingdom of Sakya is currently in Nepal,The title of Buddha, it means Enlightened ,Siddhartha lived in the sixth century BC in northern India.

    He lived in the palace, but deprives himself of luxury,He has been married in the age of sixteen-This was the age of marriage in society -Of a beautiful princess and a young name Hiasodhara, After the experience Siddhartha - Buddha - a fact of life and pain of human determination to find a solution to get out of this pain and he abandoned his kingdom after the birth of his only son "Rahola",The Buddha was the twenty-ninth years of age and later became the abandonment ascetic looking for the solution of the alleged.

    At this time, the Buddha stayed away from his kingdom in the valley of the (Ganges) meet famous religious teachers taught their own curriculum, and methods,And subjected himself to ascetic practices in tough.

    But these approaches and methods were not issued Buddha, heal and then left behind his back after spending six years in learning,After leaving the Buddha of traditional religions and while he is under a tree on the shore of the river Niratjara One evening,

    "This tree was named after that a tree of wisdom"Siddhartha realized vigilance and enlightenment and woke up and since then called the Buddha, which means enlightened or vigilant,After waking he cast Gautama Buddha first exhortation to team of five rituals,They are friends first In the garden of deer in the Aizibatana near Benares,Since that time,During Forty-five years has taught all classes of men and women,he is Not recognizing the differences of class

    Buddha did not claim that he was a god or son of god or even a messenger sent from God,Has its teachings are based on the facts It was called the Four facts
    The Buddha died in Kosinara in eighty years age

    -* Buddhism.
    At the beginning was not the religion mainly but It is a kind of
    Ideological philosophy Calls for faith in human not God,Believes that every human are expensive and important and And everyone has the capability to develop into a Buddha.

    Says the Buddha in this:(No one save us but ourselves,No one is able to that No one does that,We have to the walk in the road, but the Buddhas they see the way clearly)Damapada 165 "

    Buddhist Constituent Is based on four facts;

    1 * The first fact is "Dokha"

    That life Suffering,for you live You must to suffer, the Person can not live without the experience of suffering and experience the meaning (suffer),Through your living you hungry And thirst And sickAnd feel pain and And suffer from internal pain such as fear, loneliness, frustration, etc.

    2-The second fact is "the emergence of Samudaya Dokha"

    All of the suffering caused by desire,For example, when you want something do not reach to you feel frustrated
    it Is suffering

    3 * The third fact "Neroma stop Dokha"

    That suffering can be subdue and you Can be accessed to happiness So to get rid of the command that causes suffering it Is desire,And when you arrived to this stage, it is perfect,This phase is called nirvana. Valenervana as Buddha said "Nirvana is happiness Damapada Top ..."
    Is the way Leading To Conquer the suffering Or way to do that, Is through Way eight Consists of:(Full understanding, full of thought, speech full, full action, full of life, the effort fully, fully aware, the emphasis)

    to be continue

  5. #5

    عضو نشيط

    داعيه مسلمه جديده غير متواجد حالياً
    رقم العضوية : 2499
    تاريخ التسجيل : 29 - 7 - 2010
    الدين : الإسلام
    الجنـس : أنثى
    العمر: 42
    المشاركات : 40
    شكراً و أعجبني للمشاركة
    التقييم : 32
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 0


    -* Development of Buddhism in the Mahayana.

    Although the Buddha was not god or a messenger to According to ancient ####s in Buddhism And thought, this changed with the passage of time
    Especially after the defection of Buddhism,to Several doctrines The most important of Theravada and Mahayana And the doctrine of Mahayana Is the new face of Buddhism,Which was As a reform movement Protestantism,That have occurred in the sixteenth century AD
    By the Martin Luther(reformist)
    This was confirmed by a research raised at the site of the University of Washington, USA, where it came

    Whatever the origins of Mahayan doctrines, they represent a significant departure in the philosophy. Like the Protestant Reformation. *

    He called the doctrine of Mahanata worshiped Siddhartha, Not only that, but They saw was a Aspects of the Buddhist Trinity As we'll explain that later .. In the same source came the following


    Finally, the Mahayanists completed the conversion of Buddhism from a philosophy to religion. Therevada Buddhism holds that Buddha was a historical person who, on his death, ceased to exist. There were, however, strong tendencies for Buddhists to worship Buddha as a god of some sort; these tendencies probably began as early as Buddha's lifetime. The Mahayanists developed a theology of Buddha called the doctrine of "The Three Bodies," or Trikaya. *

  6. #6

    عضو نشيط

    داعيه مسلمه جديده غير متواجد حالياً
    رقم العضوية : 2499
    تاريخ التسجيل : 29 - 7 - 2010
    الدين : الإسلام
    الجنـس : أنثى
    العمر: 42
    المشاركات : 40
    شكراً و أعجبني للمشاركة
    التقييم : 32
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 0


    -* The History of the emergence of the Mahayana.

    And returns the first writings of the holy book Almahayani to the first century BC, also remember that Buddhist sites in the same

    The Mahayana scriptures were probably set in writing around the 1st century BCE.

    The historical record shows it emerging as a separate school from Theravada during the 1st century BCE. However, it most likely had been developing gradually for a long time before that.

    And adds the site

    Specialized in Buddhism

    It is weighted according to some researchers

    Had been originated from a Buddhist name Mahasanghika appeared before 320 years BC.

    In spite of the apparently easy resolution of the disciplinary dispute, the years after the Second Council saw the emergence and proliferation of many separate schools such as the Maha Sanghikas who some regard as the progenitors of the Mahayana, Vatsiputriyas and others. Consequently, by the time of the Third Council, held during the reign of Emperor Ashoka, in the third century B. C. E., there were already at least eighteen schools, each with its own doctrines and disciplinary rules

    At yet another council, held during the reign of King Kanishka in the first century C.E., two more important schools emerged--the Vaibhashikas and the Sautrantikas. These differed on the authenticity of the Abhidharma, the Vaibhashikas holding that the Abhidharma was taught by the Buddha, while the Sautrantikas held that it was not. By this time, Mahayana accounts tell us, a number of assemblies had been convened in order to compile the scriptures of the Mahayana tradition which were already reputed to be vast in number. In the north and south west of India as well as at Nalanda in Magadha, the Mahayana was studied and taught. Many of the important ####s of the Mahayana were believed to have been related by Maitreya the future Buddha and other celestial Bodhisattvas or preserved among the serpent gods of the underworld until their discovery by Mahayana masters such as Nagarjuna.

    The period between the Second Council and the first century B.C.E. saw the growth of Mahayana literature in India and the emergence of a number of important

    [Taken from Peter Della Santina., The Tree of Enlightenment. (Taiwan: The Corporate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation, 1997), pp. 133-141].

  7. #7

    عضو نشيط

    داعيه مسلمه جديده غير متواجد حالياً
    رقم العضوية : 2499
    تاريخ التسجيل : 29 - 7 - 2010
    الدين : الإسلام
    الجنـس : أنثى
    العمر: 42
    المشاركات : 40
    شكراً و أعجبني للمشاركة
    التقييم : 32
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 0


    This diagram Table shows the time And the geographical spread in the history of Buddhist teams and the three most important concern is Mahayana, which is painted in red on the chart and the date of her school because, as shown in the figure to the first century BC

    The scheme is published by one of his most Buddhist sites

    In the table for time-history of Buddhism shows Center for the Study of Buddhism to Mahayana

    Appeared in the century of the Buddhist Era 344 ie in the second century BC and that during the first century AD was written Alsutr Lotus, The saying that Nagarjuna is one of the foundations of Mahayana is saying misnomer They wanted to mislead the truth seekers P Nagarjuna is the founder of a school Madhyamika only a school did not change the basics of Mahayana, but added to it a new philosophy similar to the philosophy of Plato was in the second century in particular, as shown in the table .

    We have thus proved leaves no doubt it is Buddhism in the Mahayana schools arose after the third In the reign of King Asoka - Ashoka - in the third century BC,Schools have been taken in the slow development until the restructuring has taken in the first century BC

    Formed ####s Which were written in Sanskrit Heritage of this ideology in the first century BC

    So I ended the codification of thought which spanned three centuries in the first century AD at the latest.

  8. #8

    عضو نشيط

    داعيه مسلمه جديده غير متواجد حالياً
    رقم العضوية : 2499
    تاريخ التسجيل : 29 - 7 - 2010
    الدين : الإسلام
    الجنـس : أنثى
    العمر: 42
    المشاركات : 40
    شكراً و أعجبني للمشاركة
    التقييم : 32
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 0


    -* The Historyof writing of the Gospels in the Bible

    The time of writing the Gospel of Matthew:
    There are three Opinions about the time that Matthew in which he wrote when his preaching, these views are: -

    * The time of writing about the gospel in 42 AD.

    * Have a different opinion Is that when the books for about a year 60-66 ADAnd supports this view that when did not mention anything about the destruction of Jerusalem.

    * Third view suggests the period from 75 - to 80 AD,Is where he wrote Matthew Depending on the preaching of the Gospel May spread to the nations, as is evident at the end of the Gospel:
    (18Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age) Matthew 28:18-20

    The time of writing Gospel of Mark: -

    In time of writing the Bible there are various opinions
    But it almost meets that the time for the Gospel of Mark written before the incident was the destruction of Jerusalem in 1970,It has not been writing about this incident something, and Sanitation 13 describing the state of Jerusalem before its destruction,Therefore be a time of writing the Gospel of Mark is between 1940 - 1968.

    The time of writing the Gospel of Luke:
    Opinions differ about the time who wrote the Gospel of Luke, and these views:
    Opinion Say that the writing of the Bible depends to a large extent on the set History of the writing Acts of the Apostles because business travel was written after the Gospel of Luke, Since it is likely that the Acts of the Apostles books about the year 62 or 63 AD,So the Gospel of Luke written about 60 years of age., And the other opinion says that Luke explicitly for the siege of Jerusalem (Luke 21:20 - 24)This indicates that he was speaking about the events seen
    It seems the Gospel of Luke was written after that happened,Has been described in the Gospel
    An accurate description Consistent with written by contemporary historians about the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD This indicates that Luke was written after these incidents is between 80 years old or in 1990.

    The time of writing the Gospel of John:
    Different views About the history, who wrote the Gospel of John, of these views:

    The first view is to say: The Gospel of John books before the year 70 AD.

    Third view is most likely that time who wrote the Gospel of John is between 90-115 AD.

    Second opinion to say: The Gospel of John books a year after 175 AD.

    In this category
    According to historical events, but But if we go back
    To those writings we will not find the original writings,we will not find There is not trace whatsoeverAnd return to the oldest manuscripts
    Of the Old Testament and dates
    and we Will be surprised that the oldest manuscripts of the New Testament dating back to 325 AD
    These manuscripts are the dates of discovery are:

    Vatican version (325-350 m) (Codex Vaticanus), and the version Sinaiticus (350 m) (Codex Sinaiticus), and the version of Alexandria (400 m) (Codex Alexandriuns), and the version Alofraimip (400 m) (Codex Ephraemi)

    Codex Sinaiticus

    If we talked about the scraps and remnants of the manuscripts can speak for the remains of John Ryland manuscript (130 m) (John Ryland), and remnants of the Chester Beatty manuscript (200 m) (Chester Betty Papyri), and Papyrus Domar (150-200 m) (Bodmer)

    These residues do not have
    only Some words of no more
    and not indicate a specific date to write the Bible,It is possible to simply to these writings have been collected later to be the gospel Which passed many of the revisions and increases until it reached to the Bible in our hands today,Through the show this of photos for These remains,إظهار التحويل إلى الحروف اللاتينية
    That the reader knows What could mean this manuscripts for a book the size of Bible,
    Although this is a different subject,What we want Demonstrable outcomes are"Confirm
    the Christian Bible written between 50 to 150 AD."

    Remnants of the manuscript, Ryland

    Remnants of the manuscript Bayaty

  9. #9

    عضو نشيط

    داعيه مسلمه جديده غير متواجد حالياً
    رقم العضوية : 2499
    تاريخ التسجيل : 29 - 7 - 2010
    الدين : الإسلام
    الجنـس : أنثى
    العمر: 42
    المشاركات : 40
    شكراً و أعجبني للمشاركة
    التقييم : 32
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 0


    -Start deity of Christ and the beginning of the deity of the Holy Spirit

    Talk of deity of Christ and the beginning of the deity of the Holy Spirit Very long, but will introduce it briefly The highlight on the side, which serves our theme this.
    After the incident Steel Famous originated many of the groups Of ideas and orientations different faith,Taken These groups in the dissemination of teaching and develop their ideas and Each group said in Christ peace be upon him
    Different words,Some of the words that Jesus said a messenger from God, and whom he said he is the Son of God and some of them said that God So They took each team to hit hostility between them and the difference between the Others and this continues Even the Emperor Constantine, a pagan Romanian State
    Which has been a potent force In Such region,The work of the Council named the First Council of Nicaea And in the third century AD, specifically in 325 AD
    and Constantine adopted the God of Jesus, not messenger or humans and the fight against all those who have not recognized it and burn any book or gospel or message that does not comply with these beliefs

    (Beliefs, which says that Christ preached or the Prophet)
    This situation continued until the year 381 in which they recognized the divinity of the Holy Spirit also, there was nothing about it on availing of Nicaea in 325 AD,And issued a Apostles' Creed act of Constantinople This is the main reason Which made us miss any Scripts before a third or fourth century AD At the latest.

    Apostles' Creed act(325 AD):
    "We believe in one God , the Creator of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible, and one Lord is Jesus Christ (the Son of God) the only one, born of (the Father) before all ages, God from God, and Light of Light, and God the right of the true God, begotten not created, equal to (the Father), in essence, by whom all things, who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven and embodies the spirit of the Holy Virgin Mary, and became man and was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, He suffered, died and was buried, and the third day as stated in the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven and sat on the right hand (the Father) will also come with great glory to judge the living and the dead who no end of his reign"

    Apostles' Creed act(381 AD):

    "We believe in one God, the Creator of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible, and one Lord is Jesus Christ (the Son of God) the only one, born of (the Father) before all ages, God from God, and Light of Light, and God the right of the true God, begotten not created, equal to (the Father), in essence, by whom all things, who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven and embodies the spirit of the Holy Virgin Mary, and became man and was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate,He suffered, died and was buried, and the third day as stated in the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven and sat on the right (the Father) will also come with great glory to judge the living and the dead, which no end of his reign, and the Holy Spirit, Lord, the giver of life emanating from (the Father), (The Son), who is with the(Father) and (son) is worshiped and glorified, who spoke through the prophets and the Church one, holy apostolic, and we acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins, and we await the resurrection of the dead and life in the world to come. "

    We recall Introduction:

    Siddhartha "Buddha" not was God in his lifetime but was a normal human beings,the Believe deities Adopted (Buddha) a Different Think about of Buddhist thought of the "Mahayana" .Which began in the third century BC, after the third council
    Under the authority of King Asoka And lasted until the thought Almaheani EvenSettled in the first century BC, it has spread to two and three Even stabilized.

    King Asoka, who recognized the divinity of Siddhartha "Buddha"

    Emperor Constantine adopted the deity of Christ* Returns the oldest manuscripts of ####s Almahayanatip to the first century BC
    THE Jesus Was not god in his lifetime but was normal human ,Has adopted(Belief of Christ's divinity)Think of the many ideas Which Disappearance After the Council of Nicaea in the third century AD and Has not been the stability of this belief before that date,And so he was need to have the same Period of time Which Needed by the Almaheana Even stabilized.
    * Returns the oldest manuscripts of the Gospels to the fourth century AD.Draw The result confirmed,that Almahayanatip faith It was before the Christian faith intellectually and in writing,In this way,We deny the Buddhism had been Quoted and copied including beliefs from Christian ideas,What if we found similarities between the two faiths?!The answer to this question Leads us to view the three possibilities :
    A: Buddhism may be taken from the Christian beliefs and This is impossible for two reasons:
    1-* The Mahayana It was before Christianity and Impossible The past quotes from the future.
    2-The evolution of thought Can not be born of day and night and can not say Buddhism contemporary Christian And Quoted from them the idea of divinity and approved in a few years,But we can say Christianity Quoted from Buddhism and developed the idea in two centuries.
    B: to be the similarity Just a coincidence and This maybe we accept that we found a similarity between and if Exceed this quantity,Surely The mind will be rejected this claim.
    C:the Christianity had been taken from Buddhism, and this possibility is the
    Accepted by the mind

  10. #10

    عضو نشيط

    داعيه مسلمه جديده غير متواجد حالياً
    رقم العضوية : 2499
    تاريخ التسجيل : 29 - 7 - 2010
    الدين : الإسلام
    الجنـس : أنثى
    العمر: 42
    المشاركات : 40
    شكراً و أعجبني للمشاركة
    التقييم : 32
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 0


    The similarities between Christianity and Buddhism

    Duringi Research in a variety of sources and books Which focused on study of religions and compare them
    and i put my hand on the similarities between Christian doctrine and belief of Buddhism.

    In fact, the similarities mentioned In those books and research, mostly identical and This book may be luckier than others
    In the presentation of more points on the similarity and i begun to investigate
    In the similarity of sources books And i found the best what I can offer the reader Is the source of the information itself of the main sources

    The first similarity

    1 - Buddha was born of the virgin Maya without having sex without a man
    1 - Christ is born of the Virgin Mary is having sex without a man
    11"Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel," which means "God is with us."(Matthew) (Mt-1-23)

    Second similarity

    2-the incarunation of buddha is recorded to have been brought about by the desent of the divine power ealled the(holy ghost) up the virigin maya

    2-the incarunation of Jesus Christis recorded to have been brought about by the desent of the divine power ealled the(holy ghost) up the Virgin Mary The Birth of Jesus Christ
    Mt 1:18 (This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit. 19 Because Joseph her husband was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.

    Mt 1:20 But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.)
    (Matthew) (Mt-1-18: 20)

    Similarity of the third

    2- In the birth of Buddha appeared a star in the sky
    And they call the star of Christ
    2-- In the birth of Jesus appeared a star in the east,Duan said it should be called the star of Christ
    (Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,Matthew) Mt-2-1: 2

    Similarity of the Fourth

    1-Buddha was born of the virgin Maya, entered into by the Holy Spirit, his birthday was celebrated on december 25

    To make sure of the date of the birth of Buddha and how we get this history can read pages from the book Angel 22:24 Christ

    Jesus was born Son of the Virgin Mary, entered into by the Holy Spirit, his birthday was celebrated on december 25 Note:Until the mid-third century AD, could not agree on the Fathers of the Church determine the month and on the birth of Jesus,Therefore, it was the early Christians
    Performing the tags in either April 20 or 20 May, or on January 6 / k 2, the day starts when flooding of the Nile River in Egypt,This issue has remained controversial

    To be issued Ibhyrios Pope in 354 AD that Jesus Christ was born on 25 December as 1


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